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Inspiring Words and Moments of Candour

Inspiring Words and Moments of Candour

July 10, 2019 was an unforgettable day as the Induction Program for PGDM students of the class of 2021 was held amidst plenty of excitement and anticipation. The day proved to be a huge success with new students getting to know about JK Business School and prepare for their role as PGDM students.

Mr. Abhishek Singhania, Chairman, JK Business School set the tone for the Induction Program with his inspiring messages of hard work, dedication and passion. Sharing a few important thoughts, he said, “Education determines the prosperity of a nation and JK Business School’s DNA lies in making its students coming from diverse backgrounds with different perspectives as responsible citizens.”

Mr. Singhania stressed the importance of learning, unlearning and relearning, saying that the capacity to learn is a gift, the ability to learn is a skill, and the desire to learn is a choice – an invaluable advice that certainly inspired the new PGDM students!

He asked the students to believe in themselves and to never be bogged down by failures. Quoting Muhammad Ali, he said, “You don’t lose when you fall, you lose when you fail to get up.”

As the students begin their exciting journey at JK Business School, Mr. Singhania encouraged them to focus on the positive and make a difference in this world with their own dreams. He closed his address with a few more words of inspiration, saying, “Be happy, have fun and learn as much as possible.”


Following Mr. Singhania’s address, a Q&A session was held wherein questions centered around various subjects. On the topic of how students can contribute to society, Mr. Singhania shared that the students can help through roles as corporate citizens and even outside this realm. He highlighted the many CSR initiatives undertaken by JK Organization such as the setting up of healthcare and educational institutions. More recently, the Organization adopted full resettlement of a village in Kerala post the flood of 2018.

During the insightful Q&A session, Mr. Singhania opened up about stories of success and low moments in his life. When asked about his mantra for success, he replied, “I believe that self-belief is very important. There have been stages in my life where things were dim but, I believed that I was meant to do something.” He also had important advice for budding entrepreneurs; he cited several aspects as being important for a company’s success but marked marketing and sales as the key. Unclarity of these vital aspects can lead to failure. Hence, it is important that this must be prioritized.

As the Q&A session came to a close, there was a special ceremony for the faculty members. Much to their joy and surprise, they were felicitated for their hard work and dedication amidst loud applause and support.

The Induction Program proved to be a great success. The new PGDM students were excited to start their two-year journey at JK Business School and listening to the motivating words of Mr. Singhania spurred them to dream big, work hard and make the most of their time at the School.

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