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Knowledge Resource Center


JKBS Library is fully automated and has a collections of over 12,000 books on management & allied subjects, biographies, fictions, career development, soft skills, humanities etc. The Library holds an extensive and good collections of physical as well as e- resources comprising of books, journals, online databases, CDs/DVDs, e-journals , audio-visual materials, case studies, project reports etc. The Library with its rich collections of resources and innovative services play an important role for the institute’s academic community in their intellectual goals and objectives.

JKBS Library is a hybrid library with the state-of-the-art technological applications. The information of entire Library collections are made available to its users 24×7 through OPAC. Users can access the online databases either through institute’ network or online. The Library offers a range of information services, set to the highest professional standards.

  • • To be one of the best knowledge resource center in the area of management sciences in the National Capital Region
  • • To provide appropriate resources to meet the information needs of the users .
  • • To provide dedicated and innovative information services to the academic community
  • • To support the Institute in becoming a top ranked business school in the Country

Facilities & Services

Books on Loan, Bio metric attendance, Alert Messaging and email, Bay Guides, Open Access to the Library, Power backup, Internet, Multimedia systems, SDI & CAS, Reprography and Scanners, New Arrivals, Membership of Library Consortia- DEL NET, E sodh sindhu, Web OPAC, Inter Library Loan/Resource Sharing, Reference and Research Services


Books, e Books, Periodicals, e Journals, Online Databases, Open access database, Project Reports, CDROM, Albums,News Papers

Library is mainly aimed to serve and support faculty, students, staff and other members of the JKBS community in their academic pursuits. A Digital Library card is given to each member to allow them to use the Library Services. The categories of members and their privileges are as follows:

Category Entitlement for Books Loan Duration
Faculty 10 Books 120 days
Staff 5 Books 30 days
Students 2 Books 7 days

A book will be lent only against Library Card. Library Cards are non-transferable. The user himself/ herself will be responsible for any misuse of his / her card. Exchange of the cards among the users is strictly prohibited.

Loss of library Card should be reported in writing to the librarian immediately. Duplicate Card will be issued to the member on payment of Rs.200/- only but the member shall, however, continue to be responsible for any loss that the library may suffer through the misuse of his/ her lost card. Library Card will have to be deposited back to the library at the time of final clearance.

Loan policy and overdue charges

  • • An amount of Rs 5/- per day will be charged if books are not returned within the stipulated period.
  • • The borrower is fully responsible for the books borrowed on his/her membership card.
  • • Absence and illness are not acceptable excuses for exemption from paying an overdue charge.
  • • The Librarian may recall a book at any time before its due date.
  • • Reference copy of any text book will be issued for overnight only.
  • • No other book will be issued to any member until he/ she returns back the overdue book(s).
  • • A member shall be responsible for any damage done by him/ her to the books or other properties of the Library. He/she will be required to replace such books or other properties damaged or pay the double value thereof. If one book of a set is damaged, the whole set shall be liable to be replaced.
  • • Books marked “NOT TO BE ISSUED”, journals, magazines, newspapers, project reports, audio, videos, CDs shall not be issued. However, they can make use of them in library premises.
  • • Books temporarily in special demand may be lent for such shorter period as may be necessary or may be temporarily declared reference books.
  1. LIBRARY OPENING HOURS Monday-Saturday
    9AM To 8PM
    Sunday : 10AM TO 5PM
    Examination days : 9AM TO 11PM
    * The Library will remain closed on Republic Day (January 26); Independence Day (August 15); Gandhi Jayanti (October 2); Holi and Diwali.
  2. Students should swipe their Library cards at readers installed on the both side of Library gate to mark their arrival & departure from the Library.
  3. Visitors will not be entertained in the library without prior permission from the librarian. Librarian reserves the right to use his discretion on admission into the library to any student / visitor or the use of any book.
  4. Bags, folders, personal books, magazines, ladies purse or any other personal belongings are not allowed inside the library. Students in their own interest are advised not to keep much money in their bags, purses etc.
  5. A student shall not be allowed to use the library during his/her examination hours.
  6. Silence shall be strictly observed in the Library.
  7. Library is a place of individual study. A calm and pleasant atmosphere is to be maintained in the library. Members are, therefore, advised not to indulge in conversation, consultation, discussion or demonstrative greetings of friends. Any students found indulging in such activities will be suspended from the library for the period depending upon librarian discretion. Mobile phones should be switched off before entering the library. Members will be fined Rs. 100/- then and there for the every use of mobile phone.
  8. Stealing or damaging books/ magazines/ journals etc. from the library or misbehavior with library staff shall be considered an offence for which strict disciplinary action will be taken against the student(s) concerned to the extent of expulsion from the institute.
  9. Library is to be used for study purpose only.
  10. Use of ‘borrowed books’ shall not be allowed in the library.
  11. Library computer cannot be used for personal use or for sending e-mails etc.
  12. A student shall be responsible for any damage done by him/ her to the books or other properties of the Library. He will be required to replace such books or other properties damaged or pay the double value thereof. If one book of a set is damaged, the whole set shall be liable to be replaced.
  13. Library membership is open for all students of the institute. Students shall have to apply for the membership on the prescribed application form.
  14. The Library Card (Swipe Card) issued to each student can be used for borrowing books from the library. Student can borrow a maximum of two text books; full time faculty can borrow ten books at a time. The loan period is seven days for students, one trimester for full time faculty.
  15. A book will be lent to a student only against Library Card.
  16. Loss of library Card should be reported in writing to the librarian immediately. Duplicate Card will be issued to the member on payment of Rs.200/- only but the member shall, however, continue to be responsible for any loss that the library may suffer through the misuse of his/ her lost card. Library Card will have to be deposited back to the library at the time of final clearance.
  17. Library Cards are non-transferable. The student himself/ herself will be responsible for any misuse of his / her card. Exchange of the cards among students is strictly prohibited.
  18. Books from the Text Book Section shall be issued for a maximum period of seven days at a time. Reference copy of any text book will be issued for overnight only.
  19. Books once issued will not be returned on the same day.
  20. Request for reissuing the books will not be entertained.
  21. Library has provided an alert message/ email fascility to the students to ensure the return of borrowed books on time. Borrowers should return the books on or before the due date, failing which an overdue fine of Rs.5/- per day for each book will be levied. No other book will be issued to the student unless he/ she returns back the overdue book(s). The librarian has the right to impose any other suitable penalty also to a regular defaulter including suspension of membership. Also the librarian can waive off the fine partially or fully depending upon the genuine cause.
  22. No student will be entitled to keep the book overdue on the pretext that he/ she has got placement / job and he/ she is not able to attend the college. The borrowed book should be returned back in time to the library, failing which the usual fine will be levied on the student.
  23. Books marked “NOT TO BE ISSUED”, journals, magazines, newspapers, project reports, audio I video cassettes, CDs shall not be issued to students. However, they can make use of them in library premises.
  24. Borrowers shall be responsible for safe return of the books to the library. While borrowing a book student must ensure that book is in good condition. Any damage must have to be brought to the notice of library staff. The student will have to either replace the book or will pay double the price of the book, if any damage or disfigurement of the book is noticed at the time of returning the book in the library or book is lost. Loss of book(s) should be reported in writing immediately to the circulation counter. If any book is damaged or lost belongings to a set of books, the borrower shall have to replace the whole set or pay double the price of the’ set’.
  25. Books temporarily in special demand may be lent for such shorter period as may be necessary or may be temporarily declared reference books.
  26. The librarian reserves the right to recall any book issued even prior to the due date, if necessary
  27. At the end of each academic year, students will have to obtain a “No Dues Certificate” from the library, failing which Admit Card for examination will not be issued to students.
  28. The librarian reserves the right to add, delete or amend any or all of the above rules from time to time, if circumstances so desired.
  1. Books on Loan:Library provides books on loan as per its loan policy.Web OPAC: The entire Library collection including books, journals, etc. can be searched through the web enabled Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC). Users can access the OPAC to find out the real-time availability of library materials from their own computer system.
  2. Inter Library Loan/Resource Sharing: Library has co-operative arrangements with other major libraries through the DELNET to get documents, which are not available in the JKBS Library.
  3.  An indexing and abstracting services is provided to JKBS library users to provide them shorting and summarizing documents and assigning disrupters for referencing documents.
  4. CAS and SDI:Library provides specific information services such as alert on new arrivals , selected dissemination of information etc to the academic community.
  5. Reference and Research Services:Library staff would support the faculty and researchers in ways like conducting extensive literature surveys, giving referral services, database searches, etc. to its users.
  6. Photocopying:Photocopying facility is available in the Library on payment basis during normal working hours. However, photocopying of library materials should be done strictly according to the copyright
  7. regulations. Library will not be responsible for any copyright violations. Whenever in doubt, one should consult the library staff for clarifications.

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