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GD/PI Schedule for 2017 Admissions

It is that crucial time of the year when all the students rigrously start applying in the colleges for further studies. The Group Discussion and Personal Interview rounds for JK Business School have already begun. Ranchi, Jaipur and Patna are through with the process whereas Chandigarh, Gurgaon, Varanasi, Gorakhpur, Kanpur and Lucknow are scheduled for the GD/PI round in the upcoming days.

Listed below is the schedule for the GD/PI sessions in different cities for JK Business School–

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And here is some guidance for cracking GD/PI to all the students-

Group Discussions

Students must diligently prepare themselves for these rounds. Confidence, knowledge and presence of mind are the key requirements of any GD/PI. GD or Group discussions are basically those wherein a group of students are given a topic to present their views on. The top debators of the group are given a green flag to move forth to the next round of PI or Personal Interview.

Personal Interviews

In Personal Interviews, the student is subjected to a panel of judges who ask questions based on which they select the student. Factors such as quick response, knowledge, body language, confidence, attitude, smart answers, fine educational background are a few of the things that are tested by them. A student must keep calm and be confident while facing any interview. The better he is able to maintain it, the better are the chances of clearing the interview. The process of preparation starts from long back. As the students even have to update their knowledge for both the GD and the PI as they might be asked to present their views on any of the topics given by the panel.

So, start preparing and appear for the GD/PI with confidence at the Best Business School Gurugram and we wish all the students very best for their rounds.

GD/PI GD/PI sessions GD/PI sessions 2017

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