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Research Journals

The JK International Journal of Management and Social Science (JKIJMS), published by JK Business School (JKBS) in Gurugram, is a peer-reviewed, bi-annual international journal dedicated to disseminating innovative research in management and social sciences. Our mission is to foster academic excellence and contribute to the global discourse on contemporary issues.


About The Journal

The JK International Journal of Management and Social Science is a peer reviewed, refereed bi-annual international journal that provides publication of articles in all areas of Management and Social Science through research and its relevant appropriation and inferential application. The journal hopes to accelerate development and governance in both developed and developing countries. The maximum length of intended articles for publication in the journal is 5000-6000 words. A short abstract of around 150 words with 6-8 key words should precede the introduction. We appreciate innovative and evolutionary contemplation over popular management ethics, differing from the humdrum bulk of monotonous content. The journal welcomes publications of high quality papers, book reviews and reports.

Aims and Scope: The JK International Journal of Management and Social Science (JKIJMS) is a bi-annual journal brought out by JK Business School, Gurugram. It is a refereed Journal dedicated to publish empirical research that tests, extends or builds management and social sciences theory and contributes to practice. All empirical methods-including but not limited to qualitative, quantitative, field, laboratory and combination methods are welcome. To be published in JKIJMS a manuscript must make strong empirical and theoretical contributions and highlight the significance of those contributions to the management and social science fields. JKIJMS is not restricted to any particular discipline, level of analysis or national context

© 2017 JK Business School, Gurugram

Publication Information: The JK International Journal of Management and Social Science is published bi-annually. All editorial correspondence should be addressed to:

  • Prof. (Dr.) Richa Dahiya (Dean)
  • JK Business School,
  • JK Chowk, 1200 mtrs on Damdama Lake Road,
  • Off- Sohna Expressway, Gurugram-22102 (Haryana)
  • or sent by email to research@jkbschool.org

The views expressed in the articles are those of the respective authors. Neither JKIJMS nor the JK Business School, Gurugram can accept any responsibility for, nor do they necessarily agree with the views expressed in the articles. All copyrights are respected. Every effort is made to acknowledge source material relied upon or referred to, but JKIJMS does not accept any responsibility for any inadvertent omissions. JKIJMS also does not endorse the contents of the advertising material that appears in the journal

  • R.K.Tiwari
  • JK Business School
  • JK Chowk, 1200 mtrs on Damdama Lake Road,
  • Off- Sohna Expressway,
  • Gurugram-122102 (Haryana)
  • E-mail-krc@jkbschool.org
  • Mob: 9643808804

Copyright: Authors must cede copyright of the article as finally published to JKIJMS if it is accepted for publication, and certify that all copyright requirements in respect of material used directly or indirectly in the article have been duly met. Copyright rests with JKIJMS in respect of the material submitted for its use and dissemination in any form or medium, individually or in any collection or other configuration, print, audio-video, electronic or otherwise. Except as authorised, no part of the material published in JKIJMS may be reproduced, print or stored in retrieval systems, or used for commercial or other purposes.

Language (usage and editing services): Please write your text in good English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these).

Editorial & Administrative Address:

  • JK Business School
  • JK Chowk, 1200 mtrs on Damdama Lake Road,
  • Off- Sohna Expressway,
  • Gurugram-122102 (Haryana)
  • Subscription queries:
  • E-mail: krc@jkbschool.org
  • Editorial queries: research@jkbschool.org

JK International Journal of Management and Social Science

ISSN: 2581-7337

Vol. 2 Issue.2 May 2019
Dr. Sanjiv Marwah
Celebrity Endorsements and Purchase Intention of the Teenagers: case of Nepal
Deepmala Shrestha (Gurung)
Digital Right Management
Upasana Yadav
A Study on Stock Market Reaction to the Union Budget Announcement, 2018
Ms.Supriya Sardana1 , Dr. Anil Kumar Goyal2 and Dr. Pardeep Gupta3
Performance improvement of SERVO® supply chain network through fuel retail outlets -a Case Study
Dr. Swapna Sen
Book Review
Dr. Vandana Sharma



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